

New Essays




























Waking Up to Life, Gene Brockopp, Ph.D.

During this past year, I have written these 27 essays, based on my spiritual awareness, realization and personal experience. It is from the fullness of my heart, and the awareness of what I know to be true, that these essays have been written.

The essays are not to be considered the “truth”, nor are they exhaustive of any subject or expressive of one point of view. Some appear to be internally or externally inconsistent; some are expository, others are exploratory. All are pointers or signposts of that which cannot be objectified. For the most part, they compliment Tolle's concepts. My intent was to explore and expand on some of Tolle's ideas, clarify and integrate some spiritual concepts for myself and create a common ground for my groups to use for our spiritually enlightened discussions.  

These essays have expanded and evolved over time and will continue to do so. They are not a finished project nor is it intended that they ever will be. They are an ongoing expression of the conversation that I am having with the form and the Divine in my life, clarifying, living and expressing the mystery of life and what I am; the “Oneness” that is beyond words and concepts.  

We use words to “circle around the ancient tower” as Rilke says it. Words can only point to what we know but cannot express in words, if they point from what we know. Spiritually, words can be helpful; our hearts and Being can resonate to them. Through the vibrations of the words and the silence between the words, we can respond to this felt awareness with a “knowing” or illumination. This increased awareness, your waking up to your life and the truth of what you are, is what I hope will be the primary outcome of your reading these essays.  

Read these essays as a part of your spiritual quest and your conversation with the Eternal in your life. Let the words resonate with and touch what is true and real, deep inside of you; this Pure Awareness that they ultimately point to and point from. Hopefully the words will help you to awaken to life as you continue to “circle around the ancient tower”. May they illuminate and clarify your spiritual journey as you stand, as the 11th century Sufi, Iban Al'Arabi says, “on the endless shore of the ocean of infinity”.



Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Waking up to Life

3. Living in the Present Moment

4. Time is the Game, Mind is the Player

5. The Sacred Silence

6. Accessing the Energy Body

7. The Spacious Field of Presence

8. Space, Spaciousness and Presence

9. Forms, Illusions and Life

10. Form, Detachment and Dis-Identification

11. Remembering What You Are
12. The Self, Ego and Inner Peace
13. Consciousness, Knowing and Being
14. Love, Creativity and Connections in Life
15. Exploring the Unconscious Mind
16. Pain and the Pain Body
17. Translation and Transformation
18. The Longing for the Sacred
19. Experiencing the World of the Spirit
20. Spiritual Surrender
21. Faith, Belief and the Spiritual Life
22. God is Love is God
23. Enlightenment, Spiritual Practice and the Enlightened Life
24. The Spiritual Teacher
25. Discernment, Integrity and Integration: Keeping on the Path
26. A Brief Summary of Eckhart Tolle's Teaching of the Spiritual Path
27. About the Author

28. Sharing in a Practicing Presence Group

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