

© Gene Brockopp

It is traditionally taught in Laya Yoga that there are seven major chakras or padmas in the body through which energy is transduced, increased or decreased. They are whirling, wheel-like movements that while existing in the psychic body, reunite and affect our mind, emotions and physical body. Based on many sources including workshops I have attended, this is my understanding of the Chakras.

The First Chakra

The first chakra is called Muladhara meaning root support or foundation and is located at the base of the spine. It is manifested through the sexual organs and the pelvic plexus. While it controls the sexual organs, (with the second chakra) it also influences the legs and is related to the sense of smell. It is concerned with food and shelter, its major element is earth, it is associated with the square shape, the color red and the sound of U (as in ooh) in the key of C and its ruling planet is Mars (masculine). It is associated with the aromas of cedar and clove and the gems of agate, ruby and bloodstone.

Normally children primarily act out of first chakra motivations to age 7. During this time they must ground themselves in the laws of the world, regulate patterns of eating, drinking and sleeping and learn proper behavior in society. Physical survival is primary. Acting out of this chakra, one would engage in violent behavior which is based on insecurity. The major expressions are illusion, delusion, anger, greed, sensuality, and selfishness. The desire for more than this and the need to act wisely and in moderation, result in motivation for one's evolving development. Here one begins to become aware of one's potential.

Carolyn Myss sees this chakra as the tribal belief center. As the purpose of the tribe is survival of the tribe, the needs of the individual are less important and the focus is on the inculcation of social skills as defined by the tribe. She says that here the family invests your energy in the families' beliefs. One's prejudices, attitudes of life and superstitions are written here before one learns to read. We evolve at the speed of these energies so the more that our energy is bound up in these early beliefs, the less we have for our development. As these concepts are “born in our gut” they are not amenable to reason and often influence our behavior even when we “know better.”

The health of our immune system is also determined here. She also feels that the energies in this chakra can also be positive. They give us a connection with nature and the earth. It helps us to center ourselves in the community, gives us a sense of loyalty (but often as a substitute for love) and our commitment to a cause or ideal. It allows us to act with honor, to have pride in our history and our family traditions. It gives us a base from which we can launch our life.

We lose energy from this chakra when we: 1. Maintain family or social beliefs that no longer are of value to our life. 2. Hold on to prejudices e.g. that our family, religion, political beliefs, or race are better than others. 3. Hold on to the negative past of our family experiences.

We reinforce or add to the energy of this chakra when we: 1. accept and reinforce our connection with the natural world. 2. have and maintain a feeling of pride in our background and family. 3. Use our family (biological and present) as a source of love and support.

Affirmations for this chakra are:1. I have a right to be here. 2. I feel stable, safe and secure in the world. 3. I have a complete and sustaining trust in life. 4. I honor my human family and myself.

Questions to consider:

1. What connections that you don't want to your family or social group are you still fueling?

2. How much energy are you still expending here?

3. What belief patterns from your family do you want to get rid of?

4. What negative beliefs do you hold about others?

5. Do you give yourself time to get “grounded “in nature?

6. Do you see yourself as the most recent expression of a lineage of people?

7. Do you use your family as a source of support for your life?


The Second Chakra

The second chakra is called Swadisthana which means “the dwelling place of the self”. It is located in the area slightly below the navel, it's color is orange, it is associated with the circle, it's sound is O (as in home) in the key of D and it's ruling planet is Mercury (feminine). It is through this chakra that all the body's fluids are balanced as it is related to the kidneys, adrenals, the hypo-gastric plexus and the intestines. Disturbances in the fluid balance of the body such as edema, anemia, and polyuria along with “itis” issues such as colitis, diverticulitis, and fertility issues, PMS, Candida are a result of the malfunctioning of this chakra. It is also connected to water, the sexual fluids, the arms and the sense of taste. It is associated with the aromas of sandalwood and gardenia and the gems of coral, and moonstone.

This chakra, which is both the center of our creativity and our feelings, mediates our emotional reactions to our inner and outer world. It is here that we decide how we are going to express these reactions. As the expressions that originate here are softer than those of the first chakra, they can usually be manifested in more healthy and creative ways through our emotions such as sadness, crying, screaming and laughing and being joyful, through our actions with other people, or through the creative arts.

Normally a person from age eight to fifteen acts out of second chakra motivations. Instead of being defensive and standing alone, they now reach out for physical contact. When the need for food and shelter are taken care of, the person can increase his/her imagination and visualize many possibilities. As the physical body evolves, new awareness and sensuality affect and change relationships. These can be a problem as the second chakra can have a downward effect on the psyche causing the person to be confused and restless.

The person acting out of this chakra would pretend to be a princess or prince, royal hero or lord and be very chivalrous, while maintaining a high self esteem. Emotional expressions would range from fantasy and jealousy to mercy, envy and joy. These emotions may be used to an advantage through the arts or may result in the person feeling empty. When a person evolves beyond the negative aspects of the second chakra, joy moves through the entire being.

Myss sees this chakra as dealing with the issues of control and power, especially physical power. This chakra is the battle zone for sexual issues, interpersonal power and money. It is concerned with one to one relationships and how we connect to another person in both our work and personal life. It is in this energy area that we feel most vulnerable and it is here that the other can either empower us or betray us. Here we define our internal and external territory. While animals mark their territory with urine, we do it by our way of speaking (verbally and non-verbally), our attitude toward others and toward things that are “ours”. When we take our life too personally we begin to act as if our self is “on the line”. When things don't go our way, we go into a survival mode of behavior. We fear losing relationships and begin to exert control to keep them. We develop rules for others to live by as a way of maintaining control over a situation.

When we accept that as adults we can only be responsible for our selves, we can begin to express the growth aspects of this chakra. Through it we can empower ourselves and others by supporting and nurturing them and expressing the belief that they have a right to live their own lives. Our faith in our own emotional and physical life and our faith in the life of the other, can merge the energy of the heart and the second chakra and create a powerful, positive energy connection between us.

We lose energy here when we 1. try to control others in our relationship, 2. develop addictions in our life, 3. have unresolved conflicts regarding sexuality, 4. have active and unrealistic fears about making, having or losing money.

We reinforce or add to our energy when we 1. take responsibility for ourselves, 2. let go of our addictions, 3. resolve past sexual issues, 4. have faith in and enjoy our emotional and physical life, 5. develop and nurture supportive relationships.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. I open myself to others naturally. 2. My creative/sexual energy can positively transform my life and my relationships. 3. My creativity streams through my body, mind and spirit. 4. My emotions are balanced.

Questions to consider:

1. Do I really need to control my relationships? What do I fear would happen if I didn't?

2. Do I really believe and act as though other people have a right to live their own lives?

3. Does money or sex have control or power over me either by it's absence or it's abundance?

4. What are my addictions? How do they control me and how do I use them to control others?

5. How do I empower and support other people in my life?

6. Is there more joy in my life this year than last?

7. Do I have enough self love and confidence to take responsibility for my own life? Can I trust me with just me?

The Third Chakra

The third Chakra is called the “Manipura Chakra” which means “The City of Gems”. It is located in the Solar Plexus above the navel and below the chest. Although it is related to the sense organ of the eyes, it controls the liver, digestive system, stomach, lower back muscles and the autonomic nervous system. It's color is yellow, it is related to the element of fire, it is masculine in character and it's ruling planet is the Sun. The sound of the chakra is O like in “top” in the key of E, and it's shape is an inverted triangle. The aromas of lavender, rosemary and carnation are associated with this chakra as well as the gem stones of Amber, citrine and yellow sapphire.

The person is ruled by this chakra between the ages of 14 and 21 and is motivated to develop their ego and an identity in the world. This chakra then, is related to personal power, social identity, inner harmony, acceptance of self , strength, vitality and authority. As one meditates on this chakra, one develops an understanding of the internal functioning of the body and the place of the ductless glands in human emotions. The fluidity of the second chakra becomes practical here and one develops the ability to command and to organize and can achieve the power to create and destroy a world. If one is dominated by this chakra one will strive for personal power and recognition to an extreme. The balance for this is selfless service without the desire for reward.

Myss sees this chakra as the center of personal power. How this is developed will determine how one will function in the external world. The important attributes are one's self esteem, self confidence, one's relation to one's physical body and the development of a personal honor code. For her it is important that the person develop a sense of integrity and personal respect for oneself and maintain strong emotional and psychological personal boundaries (in contrast to tribal boundaries) so that one does not need the approval of the other to live in the world. Without this she feels that one may become manipulative or have hidden agendas which limits one's spiritual growth through the development of false realities.

You lose energy from this chakra when you: 1. break commitments to oneself or others. 2. use manipulation to gain the approval of others. 3. do not maintain well defined personal boundaries. 4. are seduced by the evaluations of other people 5. do not take responsibility for your physical body.

One reinforces the energy by: 1 taking pride in one's work and letting one's energy flow into one's action. 2 trusting one's intuition. 3. having respect for oneself without arrogance. 4. developing and keeping a personal honor code.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. I accept and respect myself completely. 2. my body is full of radiant light and energy. 3. I have clear and strong personal boundaries. 4. My personal power is growing each day.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Do I keep my word and honor my commitments?

2. Do I need the approval of others to feel OK?

3. Am I a critical person who thrives on the power that this gives me?

4. Do I withhold from the other the honor that they have earned?

5. Do I respect, honor and take responsibility for my physical body?

6. Am I arrogant about my personal power?


The Fourth Chakra

The fourth chakra is located in the cardiac plexus and is called “Anahata” which means, “unstricken”. It is the source of our healing energy, desires and dreams and in the seat of compassion and relationships. Physically it relates to the thymus and controls the heart, lungs, blood circulation, upper back and hands. Physical problems of the heart such as palpitations and angina and disorders of the lungs are controlled by this chakra. It's predominant sense is the tactile response and the procreative genital function. The color of the chakra is gray-green, (initially but it changes as we mature) it's shape is the hexagram, and it's sound is “Ah” in the key of F. It is related to the air (formless), the emerald and green jade gemstones, the aromas of marjoram and rose oil, and the planet Venus. It is feminine in origin.

From the ages of twenty one to twenty eight the person vibrates in this chakra becoming aware of one's karma and actions in life. Faith is the motivating factor. This chakra is related to unconditional love and harmony, forgiveness, transformation, selflessness and devotion. The key words for it are love and healing. By evolving through this chakra one masters language, and verbal expressions while developing control over themselves and their desires through gaining wisdom and inner strength. The male and female energies become balanced and one evolves beyond external limitations (becoming formless like the air) and is an inspiration to others as they find calmness and peace in their presence. This chakra encompasses sanctity, balance, fragrance and clarity of conscience as one lives out their heart's desires.

Myss sees this chakra as the entrance to one's internal reality and emotional zone. It is the “mission control center” where one uses the heart energy to develops the sense of harmony and love. And it is through this love that we touch and participate in the life force. When we act from this chakra, we have to give up the illusion that things could or should be different than they are. It is from here that we begin the journey of forgiveness of the other which is the way that we heal ourselves. For it is through forgiveness that we unplug ourselves from the other and the past, reduce our negative energy flow, and redirect our energy so it can be used in our present life. It is from here that we develop and express compassion, learn love and intimacy with the other, express our inner most desires and make our most authentic decisions.

We lose energy here when we: 1. Allow our past negative experiences to limit our present choices. 2. Hold on to our resentments and refuse to forgive. 3. Do not love ourselves. 4. Put so much energy into the past that we cannot see the present. 5. Are not open to the love of the other.

We gain energy here when we: 1. Forgive others without conditions. 2. Love ourselves. 3. Love others enough to let them have their own experiences (even their suffering) in the world. 4. Accept the healing power of love in our lives. 5. Unplug ourselves from our past negative experiences.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. My heart is in everything I do. 2. I am open to Divine and human love. 3. Healing energy flows through my body. 4. I love to open my heart and share with others. 5. I am feeling and thinking lovingly.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Is there anyone I need to forgive unconditionally?

2. Do I really know what self love is? Can I be open to it?

3. What changes would I need to make in my life to live out my heart's desires?

4. How can I be a channel for the Divine Source of love in this world?

5. Am I moving toward more harmony and peace in my daily life?

The Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is called “Vishuddha” which means “pure” is located in the carotid plexus in the throat. It is related to the sense organ of the ears and of hearing and controls the thyroid gland, the jaw, neck, throat, voice, upper lungs and the arms. It is associated with etheric energy (an emotional energy charged with spiritual awareness). It's ruling planet is Jupiter, it's sound is “Eh” in the key of G and it's shape is the crescent. The gem stones of aquamarine, turquoise and blue sapphire and the aromas of eucalyptus, sage and frankincense are connected to this chakra.

This chakra governs the person between the ages of twenty eight and thirty five and motivates them to seek true knowledge, that is knowledge beyond the limitations of time, culture and heredity and to move beyond the emotions of the heart to the souls expression of it's desires. This chakra is then associated with wisdom, truth, integrity, inspiration, freedom, communication and access to the subtler aspects of being. Through this chakra we can manifest the information from the invisible self and our spirit guides and say “yes” or “no” to life's options. It is our seat of responsibility. The goal is to become master of the entire self, define oneself in the world, and find the path that leads to a true birth into the divine state or cosmic consciousness. The primary stumbling block is the development of a negative intellect which may occur through the ignorance or the unwise or incorrect use of knowledge.

Myss sees this chakra as the upper will or center of choice where we develop our ability to speak up for ourselves and establish our boundaries. It is different from the will of the lower chakras which relates to power and control over others. Here we are responsible for the expression and use of our energy in our life. We learn here that the true meaning of will is to control our self in any situation and not the control of the other. We develop the capacity to speak about our life in honesty and with honor and are not threatened nor seduced by the other person. By doing so we empower the other to be clear and honest about their life and their path of growth. We learn to know and express our boundaries in such a clear way that we do not need to state them verbally. By doing this we become so empowered that we do not need to express our will any more--we can surrender to the will of God in our life. We have a problem here when we cannot describe our needs, state our boundaries or respond to our creativity. We then become non-assertive or have issues of under or over responsibility. Physically, we become all choked up trying to get through the “will zone” when we attempt to move the perceptions of the heart to the mind through which they can be expressed.

We lose energy from this chakra when we: 1. Want to or let others define our needs and wants. 2. Do not keep our word. 3. Use our words (energy bundles) to hurt others. 4. Do not have clearly defined boundaries for our self.

We gain energy from here when we: 1. Learn the deeper meaning of will. 2. Are open to the subtle energy of our invisible self and spirit guides. 3. Act with honor and honesty. 4. Empower the other by our clarity.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. I can freely and honestly express my thoughts and feelings. 2. I communicate clearly and effectively. 3. I am open to the subtle levels of my being. 4. I can speak up for myself and have clear boundaries. 5. I am thinking, feeling and lovingly expressing myself.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Do I keep my word and to whom?

2. Do I use my words to hurt others?

3. What am I plugged into that drains my energy?

4. Can I say “yes and no” with honesty and integrity?

The Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra is called “Ajna” which means authority, command or unlimited power and is located in the medulla and pineal plexus between the eye brows. It is often called the third eye and is our inner and outer visual center. It is not related to any sense organ but controls the pituitary gland (which controls the endocrine system), the left brain and eyes, the nose and ears and part of the nervous system. Its color is indigo, it's shape is a white circle with two luminescent petals, it is related to light, is masculine in nature and it's ruling planet is Saturn. The sound of the chakra is “E” in the key of A. The aromas of jasmine, mint and anise and the gem stones of quartz, lapis lazuli and azurite are associated with it.

This chakra is not related to a chronological age: it is a state of being. The qualities associated with this chakra are inner vision, intuition, extrasensory perception, peace of mind, manifestation and clairvoyance. This chakra is the eye of conscience which reveals the truth that the one is an immortal spirit in a physical body. Persons who meditates on this chakra goes beyond all desires that motivate life and becomes centered in a constant state of non-dual consciousness. They move beyond time and become a knower of the past, present and future. They reveal the divinity within their being, reflect the divinity within others and move to a position where there is no observed and no observer. They attain the realization “that I am, I am that” or being-in-consciousness-bliss. The mind then reaches a state of undifferentiated cosmic awareness in which all duality ends.

Myss sees this chakra as one's reality headquarters and focuses her attention on the mind and its effect on one's spiritual journey. She states that the mind operates on the illusions which it creates by assuming that the world and reality can be defined and understood by using only the five senses. Because the mind likes rational and reasonable answers, it needs to make sense out of an issue before it can move. This process allows us to blame others, look for reasons or justify our behavior in a rational way. She says that the spiritual journey requires one to dismantle the rational mind to allow the irrational to exist. Heaven, she says, works not through the rational intellect but through paradox, the rationally ridiculous, the irrational and synchronicity. We are always offered two choices: one that has no risk and one that is full of risks. She says one should always take the choice with the largest risk which is the road of faith. The choice itself is not important: the reason why you chose the path is.

We lose energy from this chakra when we: 1. Require rational explanations for our internal experiences. 2. Try to “understand” the world by only using our five senses. 3. Close our mind to non-rational possibilities. 4. See our life as defined by the physical world.

We can gain energy through this chakra when we: 1. Are willing to take emotional risks. 2. Open our mind to extravagant possibilities. 3. Follow our hunches and intuition. 4. Acknowledge that we are an immortal spirit in a physical body.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. I use my imagination for positive and creative purposes. 2. I am perfectly attuned to my vision and work to realize it in my life. 3. My spirit is immortal: my body is physical. 4. I am thinking, feeling and lovingly expressing my vision.

Questions to ask yourself:

1. Do I need rational details before I make a move in my life?

2. Do I take the choice of least risk or am I willing to take the largest risk and live by faith?

3. Am I aware of the role of synchronicity in my life?

4.Is my self and my self image tied to my physical body or to my spiritual body?

The Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is called “Sahasrara” which means “thousand petaled” and it is located at the top of the cranium in the cerebral plexus. It is seen as the center of our divinity, the place where we know our oneness with the Divine Source and all other spiritual beings. It is connected to the pineal gland, the cerebral cortex and the higher chakras and regulates both in and out of the body functions. Physically, it controls the cerebrum, the right brain, the central nervous system and the right eye. The sound of the chakra is “ohm” in the key of B. It is associated with the aroma of lotus, rose and spruce and the gem stones of amethyst, diamond and clear quartz.

The major qualities of this chakra are universal consciousness, bliss, integration/unity with the Divine Being, enlightenment, perfection and wisdom. With this chakra we can have divine inspiration (which is often felt as a higher level of kinesthetic awareness), peak experiences and/or spiritual awakening. Through this chakra, a state of immortality can be achieved. In this state their is no mind activity, no knower and nothing to be known. All are unified and liberated. It is the pure bliss of total inactivity in which all feelings, desires and emotions are dissolved. Here it is possible to sense the cosmic self , to feel the Divine and to realize the divinity within oneself and our oneness with everything.

Myss sees this chakra as the place where our life force comes in and where we receive grace. Here prayers for us are stored in our “grace bank account” and it is from here that we bless the other. For her it is a mystical center where one can develop visionary powers. Here we move beyond the areas of illusion and use our heart and mind to develop our connection with God. Our spiritual truths and what we want our spiritual life to be are developed here. Faith, trust and prayer are the important concepts that we work with in this chakra. Through them we can see our life as a means of achieving our spiritual goal.

We lose energy through this chakra when we: 1. Live a life without faith. 2. Put external conditions on our spiritual experiences. 3. Reject Divine guidance unless it comes to us in the way that we approve. 4. Have a lack of spiritual direction in our life.

We gain energy through this chakra when we: 1. Express gratitude to God for our life and what has happened in it. 2. See our life as a means for spiritual development. 3. Make contact with God through conscious prayer. 4. Be open to receive the grace available to us.

Affirmations for this chakra are: 1. I am consciously living my divine purpose. 2. I feel physically, mentally and spiritually in harmony. 3. I am one with all creation and with God. 4. I am thinking, feeling and lovingly expressing my vision of divine purpose.

Questions to ask oneself:

1. Do I feel a positive connection to God?

2. What are the spiritual truths that I live by?

3. What do I want my spiritual life to be like?

4. Can I accept God as a loving force in my life regardless of what happens?

5. Do I place conditions on the spiritual guidance that I ask for?


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