

© Gene Brockopp

Definition: A meaningful coincidence that is valuable or has an impact on one's life. It is the concurrent or simultaneous occurrence of two events that appear to be unrelated. While it is personally meaningful, the coincidence does not appear to be casually connected to the actual events. Rather, it appears, on the surface, to be accidental. Usually it is symbolic in nature and has an emotional quality.

These events usually happen at a point in one's life when one is in transition or in crisis (and this may not be conscious), or at a time when change is likely to occur or when there is a difficulty to manage. It often results in a transformation or radical change in one's life or the way that one lives life.

It allows us to see life in a different way, not as a series of casually connected events nor as a series of random events, or as the mere play of fate. It helps us to see that there are connections in life that go beyond causality, and that maybe the most important ones are not based on what we know or can predict.

Through this alternative view of reality, we are able to recognize that our lives are structured and organized on many different levels. While we normally recognize and accept the conscious, causal connections, we need to acknowledge that the unconscious and/or spiritual level also connects all humans and moves in mysterious and undefined ways in our lives. We begin to see that our life may have a life of its own, that it has cohesiveness and a direction, as it unfolds which may not be predicted by us. We may discover or recognize this underlying structure, reason, beauty and wholeness of our lives only after it has unfolded and expressed itself.

How to respond to these events: Be open to the potential deeper meaning of what you did not consciously want, or expect, to happen. Be open to setting aside the conscious agenda you had for your life. What may be seen as bad luck or as a change in direction, or as upsetting to your expectations of your life, may be, on another level of awareness, what is desired or needed by you for your personal or spiritual growth….. or by your life for it's fullest expression.





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Tai Chi Warmup Exercises
Being in a Practicing Presence Group

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